Batman: Chaos in Gotham Review
Batman: Chaos in GothamThe Dark Knight returns on the Game Boy Color in this decent, challenging action title.
Level Passwords. Enter the following codes at the Password screen to be taken directly to the corresponding level.
Level 2: Batman, Batmobile, Batman, Batcycle
Level 3: Batman, Batcycle, Batgirl, Batcycle
Level 4: Batmobile, Batmobile, Batman, Batmobile
Level 5: Batmobile, Batcycle, Batgirl, Batgirl
Level 6: Batcycle, Batcycle, Batman, Batgirl
Level 7: Batcycle, Batgirl, Batgirl, Batman
Level 8: Batgirl, Batcycle, Batman, Batmobile
Level 9: Batgirl, Batgirl, Batmobile, Batcycle