At the password screen, enter the following Japanese characters. Format is Row Number, Column Number. The Symbol # followed by a number means to just enter the number. - 5,6 - 2,2 - 4,3 - 5,10 - 4,3 - 4,6 - 1,2 - 1,8 - 4,3 - 4,5 - - 3,15 - 1,6 - 1,6 - 2,13 - 2,13 - #7 - 4,3 - 2,6 - 1,2 - 3,6 - - #7 - 2,13 - 4,5 - 2,11 - 4,3 - 2,5 - 4,5 - 4,5 - 4,5 - 2,6 - - 4,2 - 1,6 - 2,13 - 1,6 - 4,5 - #7 - 1,9 - 3,13 - 1,1 - 3,2 -
이스터에그: 아리(아라레, Arale)
After finishing the game, during the ending when all the character's portraits start to appear, press A as soon as you see Arale's portrait to fight her.
이스터에그: 라데츠(Raditz)
First, finish the game. When seeing the ending credits, you will see Raditz (Goku's brother) crossing the screen, at that point press A in order to fight him, he is the strongest character in this game.